Diablo 4 has over 120 Dungeons scattered around Sanctuary’s map, but just some of them are chained with side quests that double the amount of XP you can gain. Here’s every Diablo 4 Dungeon with side quests you can complete in Season 1.
Diablo 4 Season 1 has hundreds of villagers, chieftains, and holy soldiers in dire need of help. Luckily for players, some of their requests are paired with clearing Dungeons that give an extra amount of XP and an Aspect to complete the Codex of Power.
These types of chain quests are key when trying to level up faster or even completing activities in the Diablo 4 endgame with seasonal characters. Here’s every Dungeon with side quests in Diablo 4.
- All Diablo 4 Dungeons with side quests
- Diablo 4: Scosglen Dungeons side quests
- Diablo 4: Hawezar Dungeons side quests
- Diablo 4: Dry Steppes Dungeons side quests
- Diablo 4: Kehjistan Dungeons side quests
- Diablo 4: Fractured Peaks Dungeons side quests
All Diablo 4 Dungeons with side quests
You’ll discover that some Dungeons in Diablo 4 are tied with side quest objectives, and give you an extra challenge besides clearing the area of demonic entities. Check the table below for all Diablo 4 Dungeons with side quests:
Region | Dungeon | Quest | Location | Aspect Reward |
Scosglen | Domhainne Tunnels | Reclamation | Corbach | Aspect of Efficiency (Sorcerer) |
Scosglen | Sarat’s Lair | Feral Moon | The Downs | Snowveiled Aspect (Sorcerer) |
Scosglen | Underrot | Daughter of the Oak | Cerrigar | Aspect of Expectant (General) |
Scosglen | Wretched Delve | The Diviner | Tur Dulra | Aspect of Static Cling (Sorcerer) |
Hawezar | Maugan’s Works | Remnants of Faith | Zarbinzet | Earthstriker’s Aspect (Barbarian) |
Hawezar | Blind Burrows | A Price to Pay | Zarbinzet | Aspect of Tempest (Druid) |
Hawezar | Light’s Refuge | Desperate Remedies | Wejinhani | Aspect of Bul-Kathos (Barbarian) |
Hawezar | Shadowed Plunge | Left Behind | Vyeresz | Aspect of Branching Volleys (Rogue) |
Dry Steppes | Champion’s Demise | Raising Spears | Untamped Scarps | Aspect of Umbral (General) |
Dry Steppes | Ancient’s Lament | Worthy of Arreat | Cane Tribe Hutmoot | Aspect of Volatile Shadows (Rogue) |
Dry Steppes | Grinning Labyrinth | Hubris Smiles Back | Jirandai | Aspect of the Calm Breeze (Druid) |
Dry Steppes | Whispering Vault | In the Name of Love | Chambatar Ridge | Aspect of Unstable Imbuements (Rogue) |
Kehjistan | Tomb of the Saints | Symbol of Faith | Zakarum Chapel | Incendiary Aspect (Sorcerer) |
Kehjistan | Forgotten Ruins | A Wolf’s Honor | Iron Wolves Encampment | Iron Blood Aspect (Barbarian) |
Kehjistan | Conclave | A Voice From the Past | Gae Kul | Aspect of the Changeling’s Debt (Druid) |
Kehjistan | Prison of Caldeum | Remnants | Inside Prison of Caldeum Dungeon | Opportunist’s Aspect (Rogue) |
Fractured Peaks | Hoarfrost Demise | Shattered Tribute | Bear Tribe Refuge | Blood-Bathed Aspect (Necromancer) |
Fractured Peaks | Rimescar Cavern | Hammer of the Champion | Bear Tribe Refuge | Aspect of Plunging Darkness (Necromancer) |
Fractured Peaks | Light’s Watch | Legacies of Light’s Watch | Margrave | Aspect of Conflagration (Sorcerer) |
Fractured Peaks | Black Asylum | Cries of Innocence | Olaym Tundra | Aspect of Torment (Necromancer) |
Fractured Peaks | Hallowed Ossuary | The Dread Martyr | Frigid Expanse | Aspect of Unrelenting Fury (Barbarian) |
Fractured Peaks | Sanguine Chapel | Blood Sermon | Kor Valar | Energizing Aspect (Rogue) |
Fractured Peaks | Cultist Refuge | Sight to Madness | Kyovashad | Flamewalker’s Aspect (Sorcerer) |
Fractured Peaks | Forgive Me | Kor Dragan Barracks | Inside Kor Dragan Barracks Dungeon | Aspect of Anemia (Barbarian) |
Diablo 4: Scosglen Dungeons side quests
The Seer, Smoke Signals, and Reclamation side quests

You’ll get access to the Domhainne Tunnels after speaking to Chieftang Eiruig in Diablo 4.
- Dungeon: Domhainne Tunnels Dungeon
- Chain Quest: The Seer, Smoke Signals, and Reclamation
This is a three-part quest chaining Diablo 4 that starts after finding Baewyn the Seer, at the southwest of Corbach. She’s studying the entrails of a dead Goatman and asks you to collect five Goatmen entrails. After completing this first side quest (The Seer), you’ll start with the Smoke Signals quest, where you’ll need to slay enemies at the Kealer Farm, located to the northwest of Corbach. Once you’ve finished, you’ll need to speak to Chieftain Eiruig to start with the Reclamation quest, which will lead you to Domhainne Tunnels Dungeon.
After completing the Domhainne Tunnels Dungeon, you’ll receive the Aspect of Efficiency. This ability allows Sorcerers to reduce the cost of their core skill by 10% after casting a basic skill.
Fields of Ruin and Feral Moon side quests

You’ll need to clear the path of enemies before heading south for the Feral Moon quest in Diablo 4.
- Dungeon: Sarat’s Lair
- Chain Quest: Fields of Ruin and Feral Moon
When heading to the northeast region of Cerrigar, you’ll encounter a farmer called Phelan. He’ll ask you for help to help some wardstones around his farm to protect it against khazra attacks. But even after you placed all three wardstones, Phelan will be unconvinced of their effectivity. The farmer will give you the task of killing the kharza chieftain, Blackhorn, and once it’s done, the Fields of Ruin side quest will be finished.
Once you’re done with all the Fields of Ruin objectives, you’ll be able to head south to look for the Feral Moon side quest, which will guide you to Sarat’s Lair Dungeon.
After completing Sarat’s Lair Dungeon, you’ll receive the Snowveiled Aspect. This allows Sorcerers to cast an ice armor that makes the character unstoppable for two seconds.
Daughter of the Oak quest

The Underrot Dungeon will give players an Aspect that can be used by any character in Diablo 4.
- Dungeon: Underrot
- Quest: Daughter of the Oak
Before starting the Daughter of the Oak side quest in Diablo 4, you’ll need to clear the Tul Dulra Stronghold, located to the northwest of Cerrigar. After completing this stronghold, you’ll gain access to the Underrot Dungeon. There you’ll need to interact with the clean roots, retrieve a root cutting, and take it to Keeper Albard to complete the side quest.
When you finish the Underrot Dungeon, you’ll obtain the Aspect of the Expectant. This can be used by any character and will increase the damage of the character’s core skill by 5%, whenever it attacks with a basic skill.
The Diviner quest

You’ll need to get into the Wretched Delve Dungeon in Diablo 4 to find the Earthen Runestone.
- Dungeon: Wretched Delve
- Quest: The Diviner
Once you started the quest, you should interact with the stone pile north of Scholar Yuein’s location. After completing the first objective, this NPC will ask you to find three Runestones: the Nature and the Spirit Runestone will be located in the Deep Forest, and the Earthen Runestone will be located in the Wretched Delve Dungeon.
After completing the Wretched Delve Dungeon you’ll gain the Aspect of Static Cling. This ability allows Sorcerers to cast Charged Bolts with a 15% chance to be attracted to enemies and to last 300% longer.
Diablo 4: Hawezar Dungeons side quests
Remnants of Faith quest

You’ll need to enter Maugan’s Works Dungeon in Diablo 4 to finish the Remnants of Faith quest.
- Dungeon: Maugan’s Works
- Quest: Remnants of Faith
You’ll find the Remnants of Faith quest in Zarbinzet, at the Umir Plateau in Hawezar. You can start the mission when speaking to the Zakarum Initiate Tomyris and offering to take her to Maugan’s Folly. After entering the place, you’ll have to keep heading east to the next objective, where you’ll find her master’s body near Maugan’s Works Dungeon. She’ll ask you to find her master’s armor inside Maugan’s Works.
After clearing Maugan’s Works Dungeon, you’ll receive the Earthstriker’s Aspect. This Aspect can be used by Barbarians and will Overpower their attack after swapping weapons 10 times.
The Heretic and A Price to Pay quests

- Dungeon: Blind Burrows
- Chain Quest: The Heretic and A Price to Pay
You’ll begin The Heretic quest in Diablo 4 after speaking to the villager Vass in the southwest area of Zabinzet. He’ll tell you to search for survivors in the Abandoned Ruins. There you’ll find a woman named Aneta, which will also ask for your help.
After completing The Heretic side quest, A Price to Pay side quest will be automatically activated. Your objective will be at Aneta’s house, in the north area of Zarbinzet. After talking to a couple of NPCs, you’ll need to enter the Blind Burrows Dungeon to collect ingredients for a remedy.
When clearing the Blind Burrows Dungeon, you’ll get the Aspect of the Tempest. This Aspect will let Druids increase their Hurricane damage by 7% each second while active.
Desperate Remedies quest

The Light’s Refuge Dungeon in Diablo 4 is filled with Elite demons.
- Dungeon: Light’s Refuge
- Quest: Desperate Remedies
You’ll begin the Desperate Remedies side quest in Diablo 4 after speaking to a village Elder called Lao in Wejinhani. This NPC will ask you to talk to the rest of the Elders, and investigate the origin of a mysterious plague. These leads will guide you to Light’s Refuge Dungeon, where you’ll need to find and slay an enemy called Aldara.
Once you completed the Light’s Refuge Dungeon, you’ll receive the Aspect f Bul-Kathos. This allows Barbarians to create an Earthquake with augmented physical damage over four seconds every time the character uses Leap. While standing in an Earthquake, Barbarians will also gain +5% damage reduction.
Left Behind quest

You’ll need to clear Vyeresz Stronghold in Diablo 4 to access the Shadowed Plunge Dungeon.
- Dungeon: Shadowed Plunge
- Quest: Left Behind
You can start the Left Behind quest in Diablo 4 by speaking to the Zakarum Crusader Mateen in Vyeresz, who’ll be sitting by the fire. He’ll ask you to find his friend’s remains in the Shadowed Plunge Dungeon. Keep in mind that you’ll need to clear the Vyeresz Stronghold to gain access to this side quest.
After clearing the Shadowed Plunge Dungeon, you’ll receive the Aspect of Branching Volleys. This gives Rogue’s arrows from Barrage a 15% chance to split into two more arrows when they ricochet.
Diablo 4: Dry Steppes Dungeons side quests
Consumed by Pride and Raising Spears quests

In Diablo 4, Crane Tribe Hutmoon is facing the attacks of hundreds of cannibals.
- Dungeon: Shadowed Plunge
- Chain quest: Consumed by Pride and Raising Spears
You’ll need to find an NPC called Chieftain Ealda, who’ll be around the Crane Tribe Hutmoot. The second side quest will lead you to the Champion’s Demise Dungeon.
After completing the Champion’s Demise Dungeon, you’ll get the Aspect of the Umbral, which restores +1 of your primary resource whenever you crowd-control an enemy.
Fury Against Fate and Worthy of Arreat quests

These new side quests are part of the quest chain given to you by Chieftan Ealda in Diablo 4.
- Dungeon: Ancient’s Lament
- Chain quest: Fury Against Fate and Worthy of Arreat
After completing the Raising Spears quest, Chieftan Ealda will guide you to Fury Against Fate quest and then to the Worthy of Arreat quest. This last part of the quest chain will take you to the Ancient’s Lament Dungeon, where you’ll be able to obtain Aspect of Volatile Shadows after completing it.
The Aspect of Volatile Shadows is a Rogue ability activated when a Dark Shroud shadow is removed. This action will trigger an explosion around the character that deals Shadow damage.
Augury of Bones and Hubris Smiles Back quests

These Diablo 4 side quests will ask you to collect bone dust from skeletons in the Valley.
- Dungeon: Grinning Labyrinth
- Chain quest: Augury of Bones and Hubris Smiles Back
When wandering around the Jirandai waypoint located in the south of the Untamed Scarps region of the Dry Steppes, you’ll find a woman called Nomin. She’ll ask you to talk to Ogai (Augury of Bones side quest), an NPC obsessed with uncovering the secrets of the Grinning One. After finding him, you can make your way to the Grinning Labyrinth Dungeon while trying to complete the second part of this mission, called Hubris Smiles Back.
When completing the Grinning Labyrinth Dungeon in Diablo 4, you’ll win the Aspect of the Calm Breeze, which is a Druid ability. This Aspect gives the chance of a Lucky Hit with Wind Shear, which will have up to a 5% chance to restore the player’s spirit.
Curious Curios, Hunting the Relic Hunter, More Than Meets the Eye, and In the Name of Love quests

This quest chain will ask you to look around for relics in different regions of the Dry Steppes.
- Dungeon: Whispering Vault
- Chain quest: Curious Curios, Hunting the Relic Hunter, More Than Meets the Eye, and In the Name of Love
This is a four-part quest chain that starts when encountering Sameera, an NPC that has been wounded in The Boiling Plains. She’ll ask you to find the Strange Relic and send it back to her boss, Rakhaan. After completing all objectives, you’ll be able to unlock the In the Name of Love side quest which will lead you to an objective in the Whispering Vault Dungeon.
When completing the Whispering Vault Dungeon in Diablo 4, you’ll be rewarded with the Aspect of Unstable Imbuements, which can be used only by the Rogue class. This Aspect will trigger an Imbued explosion around the character when casting an Imbuement skill, will apply the Imbuement effect, and deal damage around an area.
Diablo 4: Kehjistan Dungeons side quests
Symbol of Faith quest

The Symbol of Faith quest in Diablo 4 will lead you directly to a Dungeon.
- Dungeon: Tomb of the Saints
- Quest: Symbol of Faith
In order to activate the Symbol of Faith quest in Diablo 4, you’ll need to talk to Amr at the Zakarum Church. He’ll ask you to find the Zakarum Holy Symbol in the Tomb of the Saints dungeon.
Completing the Tomb of the Saints Dungeon will grant you the Incendiary Aspect. This allows Sorcerers to get a Lucky Hit where Burning damage has an up to 5% chance to restore +10 mana.
A Wolf’s Honor quest

A Wolf’s Honor is one of five quests in Diablo 4 from the Wolf’s Honor Challenge.
- Dungeon: Forgotten Ruins
- Quest: A Wolf’s Honor
You’ll need to find an NPC called Asa near the Forgotten Ruins to activate the A Wolf’s Honor quest in Diablo 4. She’ll ask you to enter the Forgotten Ruins Dungeon to retrieve her fellow tribe members’ belongings.
After clearing the Forgotten Ruins Dungeon, you’ll get the Iron Blood Aspect. This will allow Barbarians to gain a 2% damage reduction for each nearby bleeding enemy.
The Speaking Stone and A Voice From the Past quests

Completing the Conclave Dungeon in Diablo 4 is especially important to Druids.
- Dungeon: Conclave
- Chain Quest: The Speaking Stone and A Voice From the Past
You’ll need first to speak to the Fisherman at the docks of Gea Kul in Diablo 4 to activate The Speaking Stone quest. He’ll send you to look for a Mysterious Shrine, that is located in the center of the area marked by the blue circle. After speaking with the shrine, you’ll need to enter the Conclave Dungeon to look for the Vizjerei Vessel and present them to Izel, the Mysterious Shrine.
If you completed the Conclave Dungeon, you’ll receive the Aspect of the Changeling’s Debt. This Aspect allows Druids to deal 120% of poisoning damage when attacking an enemy with the Werebear skill.

You’ll find a Crumpled Note that will start the Remnants quest in Diablo 4.
- Dungeon: Prison of Caldeum
- Quest: Remnants
The Remnants quest will begin when you pick a Crumpled Note from a random loot dropped by Tortured Prisoners in the Prison of Caldeum Dungeon. The objective is to find an NPC named Hader, who’s north of the Dungeon entrance on the overworld map.
If you clear the Prison of Caldeum Dungeon, you’ll gain the Opportunist’s Aspect. This allows Rogues to drop a cluster of exploding Stun Grenades to stun enemies for 0.5 seconds after breaking Stealth with an attack.
Diablo 4: Fractured Peaks Dungeons side quests
Shattered Tribute quest

You’ll need to collect Ice Clan Bones inside the Hoarfrost Demise Dungeon in Diablo 4.
- Dungeon: Hoarfrost Demise
- Quest: Shattered Tribute
While in Bear Tribe Refuge in Diablo 4, you should look for an NPC called Sena to ask for an audience with the Chieftain. She’ll send you to hunt down the khazra of the Ice Clan to earn the privilege of talking with their leader. To collect Ice Clan Bones, you’ll need to enter the Hoarfrost Demise Dungeon.
Once you clear Hoarfrost Demise Dungeon, you’ll win the Blood-Bathed Aspect. This allows Necromancers to cast a Blood Surge nova which echoes after a short delay, dealing 50% less damage.
Hammer of the Champion quest

Clearing the Rimescar Cavern in Diablo 4 will grant Necromancer a powerful Aspect.
- Dungeon: Rimescar Cavern
- Quest: The Shattered Tribute, The Beast Challenge, and Hammer of the Champion
After entering the Bear Tribe Refuge in Diablo 4, you’ll be able to locate an NPC called Gregonach easily. He’ll tell you that their Chieftain’s champion has been slain and that his weapon was in the possession of the khazra. He’ll ask you to reclaim this hammer for them. Keep in mind that you’ll need to have completed the Malnok Stronghold, The Shattered Tribute, and The Beast Challenge to access this quest.
In order to find this seemingly lost weapon, you’ll need to enter the Rimescar Cavern Dungeon, where you’ll have to defeat a Khazra Abomination.
After clearing this Dungeon, you’ll gain the Aspect of Plunging Darkness. This allows Necromancers to cast a Bone Prison that spawns a pool of Blight that deals 50% bonus damage over six seconds.
Legacies of Light’s Watch quest

Players can simultaneously complete this side quest while clearing the Light’s Watch Dungeon.
- Dungeon: Light’s Watch
- Quest: Legacies of Light’s Watch
You can activate the Legacies of Light’s Watch quest in Diablo 4 when speaking to Zalan Coste in Margrave. He’ll ask you to find three Archivist’s Journals, that you can only get by entering the Light’s Watch Dungeon.
After clearing the Light’s Watch Dungeon, you’ll gain the Aspect of Conflagration. This will allow Sorcerers to deal up to 20% more burning damage while channeling Incinerate.
Cries of Innocence quest

Players will have to slay the tormented spirit of Corik Trost to clear the Black Asylum Dungeon.
- Dungeon: Black Asylum
- Quest: Cries of Innocence
You’ll encounter an NPC called Vendral Trost in Olyam Tundra on top of a bridge. He’ll tell you the story of his son, who was committed to the Black Asylum Dungeon. This story will lead you to the northeast region where you found Vendral.
After clearing the Black Asylum Dungeon, you’ll get the Aspect of Torment. This gives Necromancers a plus 20% energy regeneration for four seconds when the character gets a critical strike with a Bone skill.
The Dread Martyr quest

You’ll have only one dialogue option to activate the Dread Martyr quest in Diablo 4.
- Dungeon: Hallowed Ossuary
- Quest: The Dread Martyr
The Dread Martyr quest can be found at Olyam Tundra in Diablo 4 and will start after talking with Sir Cromwell. To complete this side quest, you’ll need to enter the Hallowed Ossuary Dungeon and slay Lord Avitus.
If you clean the Hallowed Ossuary Dungeon, you’ll get the Aspect of Unrelenting Fury. This will refund 10% of a Barbarian’s core skill after killing an enemy. It can only happen once per skill cast.
Blood Sermon quest

You’ll need to clear the Sanguine Chapel Dungeon in order to finish the Blood Sermon quest.
- Dungeon: Sanguine Chapel
- Quest: Blood Sermon
While in Kor Valar, you’ll need to speak to Sister Vera to activate the Blood Sermon side quest. She’ll tell you about the Red Chalice, an evil item that has corrupted a priest and several knights, and ask you to destroy it.
At the end of the path in the Alabaster Peak, you should find the entrance to the Sanguine Chapel Dungeon. In order to finish the Blood Sermon quest, you’ll have to slay the Bishop and take the Red Chalice with you.
After clearing the Sanguine Chapel Dungeon, you’ll win the Energizing Aspect, which allows Rogues to gain energy every time they damage an elite enemy with a basic skill.
Sight to Madness quest

In Diablo 4, Vilek can be found in a Pillory talking about his lost sight.
- Dungeon: Cultist Refuge
- Quest: Sight to Madness
In order to start the Sight to Madness quest in Diablo 4, you’ll need to speak with Vilek, who can be found at Desolate Highlands. He’ll ask you to retrieve his eyes from a woman named Theya, who hides at the Cultist Refuge Dungeon. Keep in mind that you’ll need to complete the Nostrava Stronghold first to make the Dungeon available.
After clearing the Cultist Refuge Dungeon and returning the Necklace of Eyes to Vilek, you’ll gain the Flamewalker’s Aspect. This allows Sorcerers a +15% of movement speed for four seconds when coming in contact with their Firewall spell.
Forgive Me quest

Forgive Me is a short quest that can be completed as you clean Kor Dragan Barracks in Diablo 4.
- Dungeon: Kor Dragan Barracks
- Quest: Forgive Me
You’ll find the Forgive Me quest after slaying a unique elite named Julek in the Kor Dragan Barracks Dungeon. He’ll drop a Bloodied Note directed to an NPC called Roza, who is in Menestad.
If you manage to complete the Kor Dragan Barracks Dungeon, you’ll get Aspect of Anemia. This gives Barbarians a 20% chance to stun their bleeding enemies for two seconds.
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