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Druid in Baldur’s Gate 3 is a versatile and powerful class that can shape-shift, heal, and cast spells. If you want to make the most of them, you need to choose the right race, skills, subclass, etc. Here is our guide for the best Druid build in Baldur’s Gate 3 to unleash their full potential.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is one of the most anticipated games of the year, and it’s finally coming out next month. The game promises to offer almost 100 hours of gameplay, with a rich story, great characters, various races and villains, and more.

One of the classes you can play as in Baldur’s Gate 3 is the Druid, a versatile and powerful spellcaster who can shape-shift into different animals. Druids are masters of nature magic, who can heal their allies, summon elemental forces, and transform into beasts like bears, wolves, and spiders. Depending on your chosen subclass, you can also specialize in different aspects of nature, such as the moon, the land, or the swamp.

If you want to play as a Druid in Baldur’s Gate 3, you need to know how to build your character effectively. Here’s the best Druid build in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Druid in Baldur's Gate 3.
Larian Studios

The Druid class is very versatile and can support the group with healing and defensive Spells.

Best Druid race in Baldur’s Gate 3

There are three races that are ideal for creating a powerful Druid in Baldur’s Gate 3:

  • Human: + 1 to all stats
  • Wood Elf: +2 Dexterity / + 1 Wisdom
  • Gold Dwarf: +2 Constitution / + 1 Wisdom

Our choice is the Gold Dwarf, because Constitution is the key stat for your health, and the Dwarven Toughness trait makes you more durable in combat. The Wood Elf is a close second, with the same Wisdom boost and stealth skills.

Best Druid subclass in Baldur’s Gate 3

The best subclass for a Druid in Baldur’s Gate 3 is the Circle of the Moon. This subclass lets you use Wild Shape as a bonus action, which lets you transform into different animals. You also get access to the spells that a Druid needs.

The main advantage of this subclass over the Circle of the Land is the Wild Shape. It’s not just a cool ability, but also a way to get extra hitpoints twice a day. Wild Shape is very useful at any level.

Best wild shapes in Baldur’s Gate 3

Wolf in Bladur's Gate 3.
Larian Studios

There are eight wild shapes a druid can acquire in Baldur’s Gate 3.

The best wild shapes to use in Baldur’s Gate 3 for a Druid are Spider, Bear, and Dire Raven. Given the limited number of wild shapes options, these are pretty good.

They give you a balance of stealth and dexterity from the Spider, high damage and health from the Bear, and the power of flight from the Dire Raven.

Best Druid skills in Baldur’s Gate 3

Wisdom is the main stat for the Druid class in Baldur’s Gate 3, so you should focus on getting better at Wisdom-based skills such as:

  • Animal
  • Handling
  • Insight
  • Medicine
  • Perception
  • Survival

Besides those, there are two essential skills that are useful for any class: Acrobatics / Athletics and Stealth. It’s a good idea to choose a background that grants you some of these skills, as that will help you later on.

Best Druid spells in Baldur’s Gate 3

A great feature of the Druid class in Baldur’s Gate 3 is that they can change their spells every long rest. Because of this, we’ve given you our top picks of the best spells for a Druid in the game so you can switch according to the situation:

  • Cantrip: Guidance
  • Cantrip: Thorn Whip
  • 1st Level: Thunderwave
  • 1st Level: Healing Word
  • 1st Level: Speak With Animals
  • 1st Level: Cure Wounds
  • 1st Level: Faerie Fire
  • 2nd Level: Spike Growth
  • 2nd Level: Moonbeam
  • 2nd Level: Pass Without Trace
  • 3rd Level: Call Lightning

Best Druid build in Baldur’s Gate 3

Class selection menu of a Druid in Baldur's Gate 3.
Larian Studios

The Animal Handling spell can let you pet all the dogs in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Here’s a TL;DR on the best build for Druid in Bladur’s Gate 3:

  • Race: Wood Elf
  • Background: Folk Hero (Animal Handling & Survival)
  • Skills: Perception, Insight
  • Ability (highest to lowest): Wisdom, Constitution, Dexterity, Charisma, Intelligence, Strength
  • Build layout: Keep in mind that the Druid can change their spells on a long rest so you can experiment with different combinations. But this is our suggestion for the best ones to pick:
1 Spells: Thorn Whip, Guidance, Cure Wounds, Thunderwave, Speak with Animals, Faerie Fire
2 Subclass: Circle of the Moon — Spell: Healing Word
3 Spell: Spike Growth
4 Ability Improvement: Wisdom+2 — Spell: Moonbeam
5 Spell: Call Lightning

And that’s a wrap on the best build for Druid in Baldur’s Gate 3. We will update this guide to cover all the levels when the game releases next month. Until then, have a look at our older Baldur’s Gate 3 guides:

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