Diablo 4 will pit players against Malignant Enemies during Season 1 and you can use the Necromancer class to defeat these enemies with ease. From Bone Spear to Blight Corpse Explosion, we’ve shortlisted the best Necromancer builds you can use in Diablo 4 Season 1.
Diablo 4 players can finally download the Season 1 update which has introduced a bunch of new Unique and Ancestral items. However, to stop players from dealing billions of damage and breaking the meta at the outset of the new season, Blizzard has significantly nerfed all the classes including the Necromancer.
Having said that, the nerfs should not stop players from building their favorite class during Diablo 4 Season 1 as they should still be able to complete their seasonal journey effortlessly. The Necromancer class has been quite consistent with its damage output so far, and luckily, you can rely on it to defeat the likes of Varshan: The Consumed as well.
On that note, let’s take a look at the three best Necromancer builds in Diablo 4 based on skills such as the Bone Spear, Blight, and Corpse Explosion.
- Best Necromancer build in Diablo 4
- Skill tree for the Bone Spear Necromancer build in Diablo 4
- Skill tree for Army of the Dead Necromancer build in Diablo 4
- Skill tree for the Blight Corpse Explosion Necromancer build in Diablo 4
- Best attributes for the Necromancer in Diablo 4
- Best Gems for the Necromancer in Diablo 4

Necromancer is one of the five starter classes in Diablo 4.
Best Necromancer build in Diablo 4
The Bone Spear Necromancer is the best Necromancer build in Diablo 4. Below, you’ll find all the relevant details:
Skill tree for the Bone Spear Necromancer build in Diablo 4
Here’s a detailed breakdown of the Bone Spear Necromancer build in Diablo 4 explaining how you can spend all your skill points from level 1 to 50 and the ten additional skill points from Renown:
Level | Necromancer skill | Skill type |
2 | Bone Splinters | Basic skill |
3 | Enhanced Bone Splinters | Basic skill |
4 | Bone Spear | Core Skill |
5 | Enhanced Bone Spear | Core Skill |
6 | Paranormal Bone Spear | Core Skill |
7 | Bone Spear | Core Skill |
8 | Corpse Explosion | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
9 | Blood Mist | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
10 | Bone Prison | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
11 | Enhanced Bone Prison | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
12 | Dreadful Bone Prison | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
13 | Bone Spear | Core Skill |
14 | Bone Spear | Core Skill |
15 | Bone Spear | Core Skill |
16 | Unliving Energy | Core Skill |
17 | Hewed Flesh | Core Skill |
18 | Corpse Tendrils | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
19 | Enhanced Corpse Tendrils | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
20 | Plagued Corpse Tendrils | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
21 | Corpse Tendrils | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
22 | Corpse Tendrils | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
23 | Corpse Tendrils | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
24 | Corpse Tendrils | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
25 | Bone Storm | Ultimate Skill |
26 | Prime Bone Storm | Ultimate Skill |
27 | Supreme Bone Storm | Ultimate Skill |
28 | Grim Harvest | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
29 | Fueled by Death | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
30 | Grim Harvest | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
31 | Fueled by Death | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
32 | Grim Harvest | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
33 | Fueled by Death | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
34 | Imperfectly balanced | Core Skill |
35 | Ossified Essence | Key Passive |
36 | Stand Alone | Ultimate Skill |
37 | Memento Mori | Ultimate Skill |
38 | Stand Alone | Ultimate Skill |
39 | Memento Mori | Ultimate Skill |
40 | Stand Alone | Ultimate Skill |
41 | Memento Mori | Ultimate Skill |
42 | Unliving Energy | Ultimate Skill |
43 | Imperfectly Balanced | Core Skill |
44 | Hewed Flesh | Core Skill |
45 | Unliving Energy | Core Skill |
46 | Imperfectly Balanced | Core Skill |
47 | Hewed Flesh | Core Skill |
48 | Serration | Ultimate Skill |
49 | Compound Fracture | Ultimate Skill |
Renown skill point – 1 | Evulsion | Ultimate Skill |
Renown skill point – 2 | Rapid Ossification | Ultimate Skill |
Renown skill point – 3 | Serration | Ultimate Skill |
Renown skill point – 4 | Compound Fracture | Ultimate Skill |
Renown skill point – 5 | Evulsion | Ultimate Skill |
Renown skill point – 6 | Rapid Ossification | Ultimate Skill |
Renown skill point – 7 | Serration | Ultimate Skill |
Renown skill point – 8 | Compound Fracture | Ultimate Skill |
Renown skill point – 9 | Evulsion | Ultimate Skill |
Renown skill point – 10 | Rapid Ossification | Ultimate Skill |
Book of the Dead
Take the following buffs from the Book of the Dead to make the most of the Diablo 4 Bone Spear Necromancer build mentioned above:
- Increase Critical Chance by 5% but lose the ability to raise Skeletal Warriors.
- Deal 15% more damage to vulnerable enemies.
- Increase Critical Strike chance and Critical Strike damage by sacrificing Golems.
How to play
Playing the Bone Spear Necromancer build in Diablo 4 is quite straightforward. Spam Bone Spear when you have energy and frequently use Corpse Explosion for rebuilding Essence. Blood Mist and Corpse Tendrils will keep you away from enemies and control them, respectively.
Corpse Tendrils is your crowd-controlling skill and passives like Memento Mori will reward you for sacrificing minions. The cherry on top is Ossidified Essence which is arguably the strongest skill in the entire game due to limitless damage scaling.
Legendary Aspects
Splintering Aspect is the most important Legendary Aspect in the game that should work well with the Bone Spear Necromancer build. It increases the damage you deal to vulnerable enemies.
Another Legendary Aspect that you might want to have for this build is the Aspect of Disobedience. Considering that Necromancers struggle with mobility and have poor survivability, this Aspect comes in handy by increasing your armor.
Best Paragon Boards and Glyphs
You can invest in these Paragon Boards and Glyphs to make the strongest Bone Spear Necromancer in Diablo 4:
- Starting Board and Exploit
- Bone Graft and Essence
- Scent of Death and Sacrificial
- Flesh-Eater and Amplify
- Blood Begets Blood and Undaunted
While Bone Spear Necromancer is the strongest Necromancer build in Diablo 4, there are a few other options worth your attention:
Skill tree for the Army of the Dead Necromancer build in Diablo 4
Here’s a detailed breakdown of the Summoner/Army of the Dead Necromancer build in Diablo 4 explaining how you can spend all your skill points from levels 1-50 and the ten additional skill points from Renown:
Level | Necromancer skill | Skill type |
2 | Bone Splinters | Basic skill |
3 | Enhanced Bone Splinters | Basic skill |
4 | Bone Spear | Core Skill |
5 | Enhanced Bone Spear | Core Skill |
6 | Supernatural Bone Spear | Core Skill |
7 | Hewed Flesh | Core Skill |
8 | Hewed Flesh | Core Skill |
9 | Hewed Flesh | Core Skill |
10 | Grim Harvest | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
11 | Grim Harvest | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
12 | Fueled by Death | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
13 | Decrepify | Curse Skill |
14 | Enhanced Decrepfiy | Curse Skill |
15 | Abbhorent Decrepify | Curse Skill |
16 | Fueled by Death | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
17 | Blood Mist | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
18 | Skeletal Mage Mastery | Curse Skill |
19 | Skeletal Mage Mastery | Curse Skill |
20 | Skeletal Mage Mastery | Curse Skill |
21 | Death’s Reach | Curse Skill |
22 | Death’s Reach | Curse Skill |
23 | Death’s Reach | Curse Skill |
24 | Necrotic Carapace | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
25 | Bone Storm | Ultimate Skill |
26 | Prime Bone Storm | Ultimate Skill |
27 | Supreme Bone Storm | Ultimate Skill |
28 | Bonded in Essence | Ultimate Skill |
29 | Inspiring Leader | Ultimate Skill |
30 | Bonded in Essence | Ultimate Skill |
31 | Inspiring Leader | Ultimate Skill |
32 | Bonded in Essence | Ultimate Skill |
33 | Inspiring Leader | Ultimate Skill |
34 | Necrotic Carapace | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
35 | Kalan’s Edict | Key Passive |
36 | Skeletal Warrior Mastery | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
37 | Skeletal Warrior Mastery | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
38 | Skeletal Warrior Mastery | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
39 | Death’s Embrace | Curse Skill |
40 | Death’s Embrace | Curse Skill |
41 | Death’s Embrace | Curse Skill |
42 | Death’s Defense | Ultimate Skill |
43 | Death’s Defense | Ultimate Skill |
44 | Death’s Defense | Ultimate Skill |
45 | Decrepify | Curse Skill |
46 | Decrepify | Curse Skill |
47 | Necrotic Carapace | Curse Skill |
48 | Grim Harvest | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
49 | Fueled by Death | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
Renown skill point – 1 | Decrepify | Curse Skill |
Renown skill point – 2 | Amplify Damage | Curse Skill |
Renown skill point – 3 | Golem Mastery | Ultimate Skill |
Renown skill point – 4 | Hellbent Commander | Ultimate Skill |
Renown skill point – 5 | Amplify Damage | Curse Skill |
Renown skill point – 6 | Golem Mastery | Ultimate Skill |
Renown skill point – 7 | Hellbent Commander | Ultimate Skill |
Renown skill point – 8 | Amplify Damage | Curse Skill |
Renown skill point – 9 | Golem Mastery | Ultimate Skill |
Renown skill point – 10 | Hellbent Commander | Ultimate Skill |
Book of the Dead
Take the following buffs from the Book of the Dead to make the most of the Diablo 4 Necromancer Army of the Dead build mentioned above:
- Skirmisher Skeletons
- Bone Golems
- Cold Skeletal Mages
How to play
The play style of the Summoner Necromancer build in Diablo 4 is quite straightforward. You frequently use the Raise Skeleton skill to keep your army intact and Bone Spear is the main source of your damage outside of minions and skeletons. Luckily, energy generation won’t be an issue as you can always get Essence by consuming corpses through Grim Harvest.
Skills like Decrepify will constantly curse your enemies by slowing them down and decreasing their damage. When facing elites and bosses like Ashava, make sure to use Bone Storm as it’s the most explosive skill on your skill tree.
Apart from this, you obviously need to summon minions whenever possible as the majority of skills focus on improving their damage and HP.
Legendary Aspects
Aspects like Hardened Bones and Frenzied Dead are the most important for successfully running an Army of the Dead Necromancer build in Diablo 4. These aspects boost the survivability of your minions and increase their damage.
Some other options include:
- Protecting Aspect
- Blood Getter’s Aspect
- Aspect of Disobedience

Necromancers in Diablo 4 can control corpses through regeneration.
Skill tree for Blight Corpse Explosion Necromancer build in Diablo 4
Here’s a detailed breakdown of the Blight Corpse Explosion build in Diablo 4 explaining how you can spend all your skill points from levels 1-50 and the ten additional skill points from Renown:
Level | Necromancer skill | Skill type |
2 | Reap | Basic skill |
3 | Enhanced Reap | Basic skill |
4 | Blight | Core Skill |
5 | Enhanced Blight | Core Skill |
6 | Supernatural Blight | Core Skill |
7 | Acolyte’s Reap | Basic skill |
8 | Corpse Explosion | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
9 | Enhanced Corpse Explosion | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
10 | Blighted Corpse Explosion | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
11 | Blight | Core Skill |
12 | Corpse Explosion | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
13 | Blight | Core Skill |
14 | Corpse Explosion | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
15 | Blight | Core Skill |
16 | Corpse Explosion | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
17 | Grim Harvest | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
18 | Corpse Tendrils | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
19 | Enhanced Corpse Tendrils | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
20 | Plageued Corpse Tendrils | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
21 | Grim Harvest | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
22 | Fueled by Death | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
23 | Grim Harvest | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
24 | Fueled by Death | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
25 | Fueled by Death | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
26 | Skeletal Warrior Mastery | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
27 | Army of the Dead | Ultimate Skill |
28 | Prime Army of the Dead | Ultimate Skill |
29 | Supreme Army of the Dead | Ultimate Skill |
30 | Inspiring Leader | Ultimate Skill |
31 | Hellbent Commander | Ultimate Skill |
32 | Hellbent Commander | Ultimate Skill |
33 | Hellbent Commander | Ultimate Skill |
34 | Skeletal Warrior Mastery | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
35 | Shadowblight | Key Passive |
36 | Skeletal Warrior Mastery | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
37 | Reaper’s Pursuit | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
38 | Crippling Darkness | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
39 | Terror | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
40 | Gloom | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
41 | Terror | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
42 | Gloom | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
43 | Terror | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
44 | Gloom | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
45 | Skeletal Mage Mastery | Curse Skill |
46 | Skeletal Mage Mastery | Curse Skill |
47 | Necrotic Carapace | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
48 | Necrotic Carapace | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
49 | Necrotic Carapace | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
Renown skill point – 1 | Unliving Energy | Core Skill |
Renown skill point – 2 | Imperfectly Balanced | Core Skill |
Renown skill point – 3 | Hewed Flesh | Core Skill |
Renown skill point – 4 | Imperfectly Balanced | Core Skill |
Renown skill point – 5 | Hewed Flesh | Core Skill |
Renown skill point – 6 | Imperfectly Balanced | Core Skill |
Renown skill point – 7 | Hewed Flesh | Core Skill |
Renown skill point – 8 | Blight | Core Skill |
Renown skill point – 9 | Corpse Explosion | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
Renown skill point – 10 | Crippling Darkness | Corpse & Macabre Skill |
Book of the Dead
Take the following buffs from the Book of the Dead to make the most of the Diablo 4 Blight Corpse Explosion Necromancer build mentioned above:
- Skeletal Warriors – Reapers.
- Skeletal Mages – Shadow.
- Increase attack speed by sacrificing Golems.
How to play
Shadow damage is the core of many Diablo 4 builds including the Blight Necromancer build. A recommended rotation to utilize the primary skills in this build is:
- Blight > Corpse Tendrils > Corpse Explosion > Blight > Raise Skeletons.
With skills like Hewed Flesh, Acolyte’s Reap, and Prime Army of the Dead, you should always have corpses around. In case your army is defeated, you can rely on the Supreme Army of the Dead to get back in the battle quickly.
Legendary Aspects
Unyielding Commander’s Offensive aspect increases the attack speed of your army and significantly reduces the damage they take, making it one of the best Legendary Aspects for the Necromancer build mentioned above.
Some of the other brilliant Legendary Aspects include:
- Blighted Offensive aspect.
- Aspect of the Umbral
- Utility Aspect of the Void.
- Aspect of Decay.

Necromancer in Diablo 4 can be played with the skeleton army or solo.
Best attributes for the Necromancer in Diablo 4
Intelligence and Willpower are the two most important attributes for the Necromancer in Diablo 4. While Intelligence boosts all skill damage, Willpower helps in energy regeneration which will help you cast Blight frequently.
Best Gems for the Necromancer in Diablo 4
You can use the following gems to build the best Necromancer in Diablo 4:
- Place Amethysts in weapons to increase your damage over time. This is useful with a number of abilities like Blight, Decompose, and Corpse Explosion.
- Place Rubies in armor to boost the survivability of your character. Necromancers are generally weak and you can make them slightly tankier with this gem.
- Diamonds or Skulls can be placed in Jewelry slots to increase your resistance to elemental and physical damage. Yet again, the goal is to increase the life of your Necromancer.
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