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Modern Warfare 2 grants players 60 weapons to unlock and level up. If you’re looking for the most effective ones to use then we’ve ranked every weapon in Modern Warfare 2 Season 4 Reloaded from best to worst and counted down the top 10.

After hopping into Modern Warfare 2, you can increase your chances of winning matches by using the best weapons in the Call of Duty title. With the MX Guardian Shotgun arriving in the Season 4 Reloaded update, players now have even more choices available.

With so many weapons to unlock and get the Mastery camos for, you may be struggling with what to use. Now that we’ve had time to try all of Modern Warfare 2’s weapons, we’ve ranked all 68 from best to worst and counted down the top 10.

Here are the best weapons in Modern Warfare 2 Season 4 Reloaded.

Best guns in Modern Warfare 2: Ranked list

Modern Warfare 2 operators exiting plane

There are plenty of great weapons in Modern Warfare 2.

Before we count down the 10 best guns in Modern Warfare 2, we’ve ranked every weapon in the game from best to worst.

Just because some weapons are lower down on the list doesn’t mean that they’re ineffective. You’ll be able to find success with almost every weapon on the list, you just might have to adjust your playstyle.

  1. TAQ-56
  2. Vaznev-9k
  3. M4
  4. Kastov 762
  5. Lachmann Sub
  6. FJX Imperium (Intervention)
  7. Kastov-74u
  8. ISO 45
  9. SPR-208
  10. ISO Hemlock
  11. MX Guardian
  12. Chimera
  13. Tempus Razorback
  14. STB 556
  15. M13B
  16. Cronen Squall
  17. VEL 46
  18. PDSW 528
  19. Fennec 45
  20. SP-X 80
  21. RPK
  22. RAAL MG
  23. BAS-P
  24. Signal 50
  25. MCPR-300
  26. TAQ-V
  27. Sakin MG38
  28. Tempus Torrent
  29. Rapp H
  30. Lachmann-762
  31. FSS Hurricane
  32. LA-B 330
  33. 556 Icarus
  34. HCR 56
  35. Kastov 545
  36. Lockwood Mk2
  37. Minibak
  38. Victus XMR
  39. SA-B 50
  40. TAQ-M
  41. Lachmann-556
  42. Bryson 800
  43. FTAC Siege
  44. KV Broadside
  45. EBR-14
  46. Expedite 12
  47. GS Magna
  48. X12
  49. Bryson 890
  50. .50 GS
  51. SO-14
  52. Lockwood 300
  53. P890
  54. LM-S
  55. Basilisk
  56. Tonfa
  57. FTAC Recon
  58. Crossbow
  59. M16
  60. MX9
  61. X13 Auto
  62. Dual Kodachis
  63. Combat Knife
  64. RPG-7
  65. Strela-P
  66. Riot Shield
  67. Pila
  68. JOKR

Best guns in Modern Warfare 2

10. ISO Hemlock

ISO Hemlock in Modern Wa

It didn’t take long for the Hemlock to make a splash in multiplayer.

After being introduced in the Season 2 update, the ISO Hemlock Assault Rifle made quite the name for itself, beating out some top-tier weapons to claim a spot on this list.

The Hemlock’s slow fire rate could be offputting to some, but it more than makes up for it with extremely low recoil. It also packs a mean punch, making each bullet count with higher damage than its rivals.

It has been so powerful since arriving that Modern Warfare 2 players were begging the devs to ban the weapon in Ranked Play. It did get hit with a significant nerf in Season 3 Reloaded, which knocked it back a few places on our list.

9. SP-R 208 – Best Marksman Rifle in Modern Warfare 2

SP-R 208 in Modern Warfare 2

Looking to quickscope? Look no further than the SP-R 208.

Quickscoping is as dominant as ever in Modern Warfare 2 and while Sniper Rifles are powerful choices, it’s the SP-R 208 Marksman Rifle that most players gravitate towards.

The SP-R has an incredibly fast ADS speed and can one-shot almost anywhere in the torso, allowing players to earn one-shot kills with ease. The SP-R 208 managed to avoid a nerf in Season 4 Reloaded, but we’ll be surprised if it stays this powerful for too long.

8. ISO 45

ISO 45 SMG with Modern Warfare 2 logo

The ISO 45 claims a spot in the top ten in Season 4.

The ISO 45 arrived with the Modern Warfare 2 Season 4 update, and the SMG proved its worth in its debut season. Despite boasting a unique iron sight that may take some getting used to, it has one of the fastest TTKs in the SMG category.

While the ISO 45 has been able to challenge the Lachmann Sub, and even the Vaznev-9k further up the list, it had its close-range damage reduced in Season 4 Reloaded. It remains to be seen how much this will effect the weapon’s capabilities.

7. Kastov-74u

Kastov-74u in Modern Warfare 2

The Kastov-74u still packs a punch in Warzone 2.

There’s almost no debating that the Kastov-74u Assault Rifle is one of the best guns in Modern Warfare 2. With low recoil, high mobility, and an ultra-fast time to kill, you simply can’t go wrong with the Kastov-74u.

This Assault Rifle feels more like an SMG, packing the stopping power to beat both weapon classes at their best ranges. Although it had its headshot damaged nerfed in Season 4 Reloaded, it’s still a contender to this day.

6. FJX Imperium (Intervention) – Best Sniper Rifle in Modern Warfare 2

FJX Imperium Intervention in Modern Warfare 2

The Intervention made its long-awaited comeback in Season 3.

The Intervention is Call of Duty royalty, and fans will be relieved to hear that it’s an absolute monster in Modern Warfare 2 Season 4 Reloaded. Arriving in Season 3 as the FJX Imperium, this classic Sniper has everything a player could possibly want from a long-range weapon.

It packs a mean enough punch to consistently one-shot kill enemies at a distance, along with the mobility and ADS speed to make it a solid option at mid-range too.

It hasn’t taken long for the Intervention to take over multilayer matches, and it’s only this low down due to how better-suited other weapons are on more compact maps.

5. Lachmann Sub (MP5)

Lachmann Sub in Modern Warfare 2

Fans love the MP5, and it’s easy to see why.

MP5s are traditionally fantastic choices in any Call of Duty, and this remains true with Modern Warfare 2’s Lachmann Sub. It has almost everything you want from an SMG, having the fast TTK when up close. It’s forgiving too, so you don’t even need to be a super accurate player to get the most out of it.

Of course, you won’t be winning those long-range gunfights so use it like a traditional SMG and you’ll have no trouble dominating Modern Warfare 2’s multiplayer.

4. Kastov 762

Kastov 762 assault rifle in Modern Warfare 2

The Kastov 762 will serve you well in MW2 – if you can handle its recoil.

Modern Warfare 2’s Kastov 762 Assault Rifle is a better version of the Kastov 545, although slightly more difficult to use. What makes the Kastov 762 so effective is its damage, where you’ll win almost any face-on-face gunfight out to around 38 meters.

The confines of 6v6 multiplayer make it almost the perfect choice, it’s just a little bit more difficult to use than some of the other options on this list. Despite receiving a headshot nerf in Season 4 Reloaded, the Kastov 762 is still an effective weapon.

3. M4

M4 Assault Rifle in Modern Warfare 2

They don’t come more reliably than the M4.

The M4 has been a consistently powerful weapon in every Call of Duty game, and of course, it’s an excellent choice in Modern Warfare 2 as well.

Being the first Assault Rifle you’ll unlock and its Platform leading to other great choices, there’s no reason not to try out the M4 when you’re just starting out and building your first loadout. But even if you’ve been playing for a while, it’s so consistently reliable that you’ll almost never feel at a disadvantage.

While it doesn’t excel in any one category, it’s versatile and easy enough to use that it more than deserves a spot on the list of the best weapons in MW2.

2. Vaznev-9k – Best SMG in Modern Warfare 2

Vaznev 9k in modern warfare 2

The versatile Vaznev-9k is a popular choice in Ranked Play.

The Vaznev-9k is a powerful but easy-to-use SMG that will serve you well on any map, and in any situation.

Like the M4, the Vaznev-9k has almost everything going for it — solid damage, high mobility, and low recoil. It’s become the go-to SMG for Ranked Play, and it’s certainly easy to see why.

Even after having its close-mid damage distance reduced in Season 4 Reloaded, the Vaznev will always serve you well, no matter the map or mode.

1. TAQ-56 – Best gun in Modern Warfare 2 right now

TAQ-56 assault rifle in modern warfare 2

The TAQ-56 or SCAR is a CoD staple, and it’s the best gun in Modern Warfare 2 right now.

An absolute classic, the SCAR is in Modern Warfare 2 as the TAQ-56 and players are delighted to see it’s still at the top of the meta. The AR quickly entered the spotlight thanks to its excellent damage range, incredibly low recoil, and unique iron sight.

Assault Rifles are incredibly powerful in Modern Warfare 2 and the TAQ-56 can dominate up close and from a distance. The weapon received a slight nerf in Season 3 Reloaded, but it hasn’t knocked it off the top spot for Season 4.

It’s no surprise to see the TAQ dominating Ranked Play matches and maintaining its status as the best weapon in Modern Warfare 2.

For more on Modern Warfare 2, be sure to check out our other guides:

Best Modern Warfare 2 PC settings | Best Modern Warfare 2 controller settings | Best Assault Rifles in Modern Warfare 2 | Best audio settings for Modern Warfare 2 | Modern Warfare 2 Ranked Play rewards | Best Ranked Play loadouts for Modern Warfare 2 | Best SMGs in Modern Warfare 2

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