Overwatch 2 has a huge amount of characters in the roster, but how old are these Heroes, and what is their history?
There’s a huge roster of Heroes to choose from in Overwatch 2, whether you like to play support, damage, or tank.
While a character’s abilities and playstyle may draw you to them, sometimes it’s their strong personalities that can sway you to play a Hero. Blizzard have given each and every character in Overwatch 2 a lot of depth when it comes to their history and personality.
With that said, you may be wondering how old each of them is, and what their history is, so here’s our guide.
- All Overwatch 2 character ages & backgrounds
- Who’s the oldest Overwatch 2 character?
- Who’s the youngest Overwatch 2 character?
All Overwatch 2 character ages & backgrounds
Here’s a full breakdown of every character’s age in Overwatch 2, as well as a short summary of their history:
Hero Name | Age | Background |
Ana | 60 | Sniper, one of the oldest members of Overwatch 2 |
Ashe | 39 | Leader of the Deadlock Gang, experienced marksman |
Baptiste | 36 | Former Talon member, now a trusty support hero |
Bastion | 30 | Combat-driven attack unit, prefers tranquility and nature |
Brigitte | 23 | Daughter of Torbjorn, follows in the legacy of Reinhardt |
Cassidy | 37 | Former member of Deadlock Gang and Blackwatch |
D.Va | 20 | Youngest member, expert gamer, wreaks havoc in her mech |
Doomfist | 45 | Nigerian-born, lost his right arm in the Omnic Crisis |
Echo | – | Created by Dr. Mina Liao, eventually found by Cassidy |
Genji | 35 | Cyborg, adept with shurikens and blade |
Hanzo | 38 | Leader of Shimada clan, scarred by his past with Genji |
Junker Queen | 30-40 | Leader of Junkertown, powerful tank character |
Junkrat | 25 | Former resident of Junkertown, causes chaos and seeks anarchy |
Kiriko | 20-25 | Japanese ninja, trained alongside Genji and Hanzo |
Lifeweaver | 29 | New healer hero, proficient in the art of healing |
Lucio | 26 | Brazilian DJ and activist, famous for his healing abilities |
Mei | 40 | Cryogenically frozen scientist, possesses the body of a 31-year-old |
Mercy | 37 | Swiss scientist, expert healer, one of Overwatch’s strongest members |
Moira | 48 | Controversial scientist, formerly worked for Blackwatch |
Orisa | <1 | Youngest character, a true hero who protects Numbani |
Pharah | 32 | Daughter of Ana, former Egyptian Army member and Overwatch agent |
Ramattra | 20-30 | Involved in the war with Overwatch, linked to Null Sector |
Reaper | 58 | Former Overwatch representative turned deadly Talon assassin |
Reinhardt | 61 | German tank hero, one of the Overwatch founders |
Roadhog | 48 | Enforcer and criminal, partner of Junkrat |
Sigma | 62 | Gravity-controlling scientist, manipulated by Talon |
Sojourn | 50-55 | Damage hero, augmented soldier with a nomad lifestyle |
Soldier: 76 | 55 | Vigilante hunting down those who brought Overwatch down |
Sombra | 30 | Hacking extraordinaire, with allegiance to herself |
Symmetra | 28 | Indian architect, skilled with hard-light manipulation |
Torbjorn | 57 | Swedish engineer, founding member of Overwatch |
Tracer | 26 | London-born hero with time-traveling abilities |
Widowmaker | 33 | French sniper, deadly and emotionless killer |
Winston | 29 | Scientifically created gorilla, intelligent and protective |
Wrecking Ball | 14 | Formerly an everyday rodent turned battle robot |
Zarya | 28 | Russian tank hero, endured the Omnic Crisis |
Zenyatta | 20 | Omnic monk, seeks to protect and intervene |

There are many characters in Overwatch 2, all of different ages and backgrounds.
Who’s the oldest Overwatch 2 character?
The oldest Hero in Overwatch 2 is Sigma, with an age of 62, just edging it over Reinhardt.
Who’s the youngest Overwatch 2 character?
As for the youngest Hero in Overwatch 2, Orisa is around one year old. Her creator, Efi, made her around a year before the events of Overwatch 2.
Well, there you have it, that’s every Overwatch 2 Hero’s age and history. For more detailed Overwatch 2 guides, check out some of our other pieces below:
Best Overwatch 2 PC settings | Overwatch 2 crossplay | Is Overwatch 2 free-to-play? | How to get Golden Guns in Overwatch 2 | Best Overwatch 2 Heroes | Who is the most popular Overwatch 2 Heroes | How to check your rank in Overwatch 2 | Is Overwatch 2 split-screen? | How to spectate matches in Overwatch 2