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Shrines are a key element in the Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom experience, with some being tougher than others. If you’re looking for Lights of Blessing to upgrade your health and stamina, here’s how to complete the Kamatukis Shrine puzzle titled ‘A Precise Strike’ in The Legend of Zelda: TOTK.

Even months after Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom was released, players are still exploring the vast land of Hyrule with its many caves, secrets, and Shrines. TOTK players have a lot to discover, whether they’re scouting the main regions, looking for treasure in the Sky Islands, or surveying the Depths.

Lights of Blessing can help players increase their health and stamina, so completing Shrines is as important as completing the main quests in the game. While some puzzles are trickier than others, all of them have different solutions that players can try with Link’s new abilities.

If you’re trying to find and complete the Kamatukis Shrine, here’s its location and how to solve it.

Kamatukis Shrine location in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

The Kamatukis Shrine is located in the Akkala region in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. More precisely, you’ll find it north of Deep Akkala, at the edge of Skull Lake. We recommend getting to high ground somewhere around Death Mountain and gliding to the location.

Kamatukis Shrine location in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

Players will probably find enemies near the Kamatukis Shrine.

In case you need some extra help, you can find the Kamatukis Shrine at the following coordinates: 3430, 3356, 0071.

Kamatukis Shrine “A Precise Strike” puzzle solution in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

The Kamatukis Shrine puzzle is titled ‘A Precise Strike’ in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. This means you’ll need to work on your timing to get through to the end and claim your reward.

In the first room of the Kamatukis Shrine, you’ll find a metal block, a long handle hanging from the ceiling, and a ball. You’ll need to hit the ball at the right angle to hit the target. To do that, you’ll need to grab the block and attach it to the end of the handle using Ultrahand. Once attached, use Ultrahand again to grab the block and pull it your way. Drop it and it should hit the ball, sending it flying forward.

If you hit the target and it turns green, the door will open, and you can proceed to the exit. If you failed, hit the yellow Zonai switch to reset the ball and try again until you reach the target.

Link using Ultrahand in a Shrine in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

You’ll only need Ultrahand and good timing to solve the Kamatukis Shrine puzzle.

For the treasure chest, head to the room to the left before heading to the exit. This room will have the same elements as the previous one: a block, a ball, a handle, and a Zonai switch. However, the target in this room is moving, meaning you’ll need to time your strike right to hit it.

First things first, grab the metal block and attach it to the handle using Ultrahand. Then, pull the block your way and release it right before the target lines up with the ball. You don’t have to be extremely precise, so try as many times as you need until you get it right.

Once the target turns green, head to the door on your left to open the chest containing a mighty Zonaite longsword. Now you can go back and head to the exit to claim the Light of Blessing.

That’s all you need to know to complete the Kamatukis Shrine in Tears of the Kingdom. For more Zelda content, check some of our other guides:

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