Pokemon Go features different Pokemon hatching from Eggs every season. If you’re wondering what Pokemon you can get from 2 km, 5 km, 10 km, 12 km, and Adventure Sync Eggs, we’ve got you covered.
Pokemon Go players can get their hands on different Eggs to get powerful Pokemon with great stats. The color of the Eggs determines how much trainers have to walk to hatch them, and those with longer distances can hatch some of the rarest Pokemon in the game.
To make things easier for you, we’ve compiled a list of every Pokemon that’s hatching from Eggs during the Hidden Gems season. Here’s every Pokemon hatching from 2 km, 5 km, 10 km, 12 km, and Adventure Sync rewards Eggs.
- 2 km Egg chart
- 5 km Egg chart
- 7 km Egg chart
- 10 km Egg chart
- 12 km Egg chart
- Adventure Sync Egg charts

The Hidden Gems season of Pokemon Go ends on September 1.
Pokemon Go 2 km Egg hatches
Pokemon Go players can get 2 km Eggs by spinning PokeStops or Gym Photo Discs. The following Pokemon can hatch from 2 km Eggs:
- Staryu
- Magikarp
- Cleffa
- Igglybuff
- Magby
- Azurill
- Larvesta
- Fomantis
- Wimpod
Pokemon Go 5 km Egg hatches
The following Pokemon can hatch from 5 km Eggs in Pokemon Go:
- Omanyte
- Kabuto
- Shuckle
- Sableye
- Roggenrola
- Mareanie
- Machop
- Tyrogue
- Chingling
- Bonsly
- Mime Jr.
- Larvesta
Pokemon Go 7 km Egg hatches
The only way to get 7 km Eggs in Pokemon Go is by opening gifts from friends. The region your friend is playing from will determine what Pokemon can hatch from the following pool:
- Hisuian Growlithe
- Hisuian Voltorb
- Hisuian Qwilfish
- Hisuian Sneasel
- Alolan Vulpix
- Alolan Meowth
- Galarian Meowth
- Galarian Ponyta
- Galarian Slowpoke
- Galarian Farfetch’d
- Galarian Zigzagoon
- Galarian Darumaka
- Galarian Stunfisk

Hatch Day events override the Egg chart for one day.
Pokemon Go 10 km Egg hatches
Pokemon Go players can also get 10 km Eggs by spinning PokeStops and Gym Photo Discs. The following Pokemon can hatch from 10 km Eggs:
- Mawile
- Bagon
- Emolga
- Deino
- Tirtouga
- Archen
- Larvesta
- Tyrunt
- Amaura
- Goomy
- Rockruff
- Jangmo-o
Pokemon Go 12 km Egg hatches
To get a 12 km Egg, Pokemon Go players need to defeat one of the three Team Go Rocket Leaders, Cliff, Sierra, or Arlo. Defeating Giovanni doesn’t reward trainers with an Egg, so keep that in mind. The challenge of defeating a Leader gives players the chance to get some of the rarest Pokemon in the game.
The following Pokemon can hatch from 12 km Eggs:
- Pawniard
- Vullaby
- Scraggy
- Larvitar
- Pancham
- Sandile
- Skrelp
- Deino
- Salandit
- Skorupi
- Absol
- Inkay
It’s important to note that 12 km Eggs have three exclusive slots on the Egg tab. This means you can still get 12 km Eggs when you already have nine Eggs.
Pokemon Go Adventure Sync Egg hatches
Each week, Pokemon Go players get Adventure Sync rewards according to the distance they’ve walked in the last seven days. Trainers can receive a 5 km Egg or a 10 km Egg if they walked 25 km or 50 km, respectively. The following Pokemon can hatch from Adventure Sync reward Eggs:
5 km Adventure Sync Eggs
- Cranidos
- Shieldon
- Mantyke
- Stunfisk
- Munchlax
- Happiny
- Frillish
10 km Adventure Sync Eggs
- Riolu
- Galarian Yamask
- Goomy
- Rockruff
- Beldum
- Gible
- Dratini
Adventure Sync Eggs share the three bonus storage slots with 12 km Eggs, so you’ll need to have at least one free slot to receive one.
And there you have it! That’s all you need to know about Egg hatches in Pokemon Go. For more Pokemon content, you can check some of our other guides:
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