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Dominating Raid Battles is essential for all Pokemon Go players, so knowing what to expect from them can be very useful. We’ll cover the full schedule of Mega, 5-Star, 3-Star, 1-Star, and Shadow Raids in June 2023, so you don’t miss your chance of getting powerful Pokemon.

Pokemon Go Raids are one of the game’s most important mechanics, whether you’re focused on battles, catching Pokemon, or both. The schedule for June 2023 Raids is full of interesting Pokemon and even some debuts you can defeat and catch alone or with the help of other trainers.

Here is the complete June schedule of Pokemon Go Raids so you don’t miss your chance to fight and catch powerful Pokemon during this month.

Pokemon Go Mega Raids in June 2023

Pokemon Dates
Mega Swampert sprite in Pokemon Go Mega Swampert June 1 – June 15
Mega Sceptile sprite in Pokemon Go Mega Sceptile June 15 – June 29
Mega Sableye sprite in Pokemon Go Mega Sableye June 29 – July 6

To easily beat these Mega Raids, the game recommends parties of five level 38-40 players. Of course, having strong Pokemon with effective attacks is the key to beating the timer and can let you win the battle with even fewer trainers.

Pokemon Go Shadow Raids in June 2023

Pokemon Go finally introduced the long-rumored Shadow Raids to the game in May 2023. Players can battle powerful Shadow Pokemon with new game mechanics and items. After the Rising Shadows event, Shadow Raids are available in the Hidden Gems season alongside regular Raids.

Here are the current Shadow Raid bosses:

Shadow Pokemon Difficulty
Growlithe sprite in Pokemon Go Growlithe 1-Star
Abra sprite in Pokemon Go Abra 1-Star
Starly sprite in Pokemon Go Starly 1-Star
Mareep sprite in Pokemon Go Mareep 1-Star
Gligar sprite in Pokemon Go Gligar 3-Star
Sneasel sprite in Pokemon Go Sneasel 3-Star
Throh in Pokemon Go Throh (Americas and Africa) 3-Star
Sawk in Pokemon Go Sawk (Europe, Asia, and Australia) 3-Star
Articuno in Pokemon Go Articuno 5-Star

While 3- and 1-Star Shadow Raids are available daily, 5-Star Shadow Raids are only active in Pokemon Go during the weekends. Players can expect these Raids to be tougher than usual, so it’s recommended to tackle them with a group of five or more trainers to be sure.

5-Star Pokemon Go Raids in June 2023

Pokemon Go 5-Star Raids feature Legendary Pokemon and are sometimes very tough to beat. The recommended number of trainers varies from four to up to ten players between levels 30 and 40.

Pokemon Dates
Uxie in Pokemon Go Uxie
June 1 – June 15
Mesprit in Pokemon Go Mesprit
(Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and India)
June 1 – June 15
Azelf in Pokemon Go Azelf
(Americas and Greenland)
June 1 – June 15
Nihilego in Pokemon Go Nihilego June 15 – June 29
Heatran in Pokemon Go Heatran June 29 – July 6

Pokemon Go 3-Star Raids in June 2023

All 1 and 3-Star Raid Pokemon will show up all month at random, so make sure to check the game often and get in touch with other trainers so you don’t lose the opportunity to beat and catch them.

Some of these Pokemon are subject to special events, so make sure you check this schedule regularly in case there are any changes during this month.

Alolan Marowak sprite in Pokemon Go Flareon sprite in Pokemon Go Umbreon sprite in Pokemon Go Turtonator sprite in Pokemon Go
Alolan Marowak Flareon Umbreon Turtonator

1-Star Pokemon Go Raids in June 2023

Sneasel sprite in Pokemon Go Darumaka sprite in Pokemon Go Scraggy sprite in Pokemon Go Deino sprite in Pokemon Go
Sneasel Darumaka Scraggy Deino

It’s much easier to beat 3 and 1-Star Raids as they can be done by one player alone. The key to these battles relies on super-effective attacks and Pokemon with large durability since the timer tends to be harder to beat than some of the bosses themselves.

What are Pokemon Go Raid Hours?

Pokemon Go Raid Hours are hosted once a week and allow players to battle and catch the current 5-Star Raid Pokemon. That means all Gyms with active Raids will feature that Legendary Pokemon, in this week’s case it’s Heatran. Raid Hours take place every Wednesday from 6 PM to 7 PM local time in Pokemon Go.

Make sure you have enough Raid Passes and Remote Raid Passes so you can take full advantage of Raid Hours every week.

For more Pokemon, check out our other guides:

How to connect Pokemon Go to Pokemon Scarlet & Violet | Pokemon Go Spotlight Hour schedule | How to heal Pokemon in Pokemon Go | How many Pokemon are there? | Best Pokemon for PvP battles in Pokemon Go | How to get revives in Pokemon Go | Pokemon Go best attackers ranked | How to get the Master Ball in Pokemon Go | How to get Master Ball in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet | Are Pokemon Scarlet & Violet getting DLC? | How many Pokemon types are in Scarlet & Violet?

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